Sunday, November 8, 2009

Streamyx Sucks

These few months I always wondering why my streamyx connection to China website so slow... so slow... It takes forever to load the page!!
But after I using the proxy, the same website loads in a few seconds. WTF Streamyx!!! Looks like they block the China sites $&%%^@
Time to CUT it!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009



马来西亚中文媒体近来忙于马华“党戏”的报道和评论,又一名印尼女工死于虐待的新闻成了漏网之鱼。该名叫Mautik Haid的印尼女工上周被警察从雇主家中抢救出来,陷入昏迷状态,今天终于返魂乏术,客死异乡。警察发现她时,她被锁在厕所里已长达两天,处于脱水和缺营养状态。以下是新闻原文。

Rescued maid dies
written by stephanie Liew
Monday,26 October 2009 22:06
Less than a week after she was rescued by the police, 36-year-old Indonesian maid Mautik Haid passed away this morning. She suffered from multiple injuries on her body. Even though she has been receiving treatment at Tengku Ampuan Rahimah for days, she failed to regain consciousness.
Mautik was found by the police less than a week ago locked in the toilet for two days in a row. Hospital Director Dr Ghazali Hasni Md Hassan said Mautik was not fit enough to undergo surgery.
When the police found Mautik, she was dehydrated and malnourished. Police is currently investigating the case under Section 302 of the Penal Code. So far, police has arrested a couple believed to be her employers and currently is looking for another three individuals to assist the investigations.
Police first detained a 29-year-old woman followed by her husband the next day when he surrendered. Authorities found no documents when Mautik was rescued even though she has been working for the couple in the last two months.

马来西亚引进印尼家庭女工已经有20多年的历史,近年来,虐待女工,拖欠薪水,非法禁锢女工等等事件层出不穷,国际劳工组织更将我国列入人口贩卖的黑名单。今年6月,人力资源部长拿督苏巴马廉(Datuk S. Subramaniam)宣布,政府將在今年10月召开的国会会期期间,提呈强制规定雇主让外国家庭女工周休一天的劳工工法令修正案。

副内政部长Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop在7月7号透露,今年全国只有7宗虐待女工的事件。妇女力量组织总裁Irene Fernandez则表示,该组织今年就接获34宗虐待女工的投诉,而印尼大使馆平均每月就接获大约100宗女佣遭虐待的投报。

尽管1955年的马来西亚劳工法令给以所有国内外工人一些基本的权益保障,可是大马律师公會“法律改革與特別領域委員會”主席Dato Ramachelvan却说,家庭女工的大部分权益却在这些法令的保障之外。
只有少数条文适用于家庭女工,可是这些条款却面对执法不力的问题。例如第65条款,涉及检查和查问的权力,是适用的。劳工部总裁可以进入家庭女工的工作场所和检查工人的工作情况。这项条款甚至赋予劳工部总裁在未通知雇主的情况下,对家庭女工的工作场所进行突击检查的权力。如果严格执法,或许能减低虐待和剥削家庭女工的事件。可是,人力资源部长Dato Subramaniam却表示,劳工部通常只有在接到投诉时,才会采取突击行动。

驻大马印尼大使馆副大使Tatang Razak说,如果马来西亚的执法单位和法庭有效率,庇护所拥挤不堪的现象就不会发生。
他说:“Terus terang saja, di kedutaan ini tidak perlu ada shelter,kerapa kedutaan perlu ada shelter?Pada hal mereka ini bekerja di Negara orang.Inikan majikan ada dispute, diselesaikan antara institusi yang ada, di sini ada mahkamah buruh, di sini ada polis, tapi persoalannya, kerana jumlah warganegara Indonesia berkerja sini banyak, banyak perlu diselesaikan.”
Tatang Razak也说,很多诉讼案的审讯和办案过程过于缓慢,他说:“Because the problem is law enforcement,when the suspect is Indonesian, within 1 week or 2 week already, but when Indonesian is the victim,2,3,4 years is not cleared.”
大马律师公會“法律改革與特別領域委員會”主席拿督拉瑪查文说:“If to pursue a legal remedy, you must have the means to pursue it, so the present law says, you can stay but you can not work, how do you expect the domestic worker or migrant worker to pay rent, pay his food and while waiting for his case be disposed.”
人力资源部长Dato Subramaniam只能含糊其辞,他说:“True, that is the issue,mostly domestic woker,their cases with the labour department,they are under labour court.Those issue we are trying to resolve it as fast as possible.we have now done something to help them, we are now allowing them legal visa to stay, and then, on a case to case basis, they can apply to us for a permission to work.”
妇女力量组织总裁Irene Fernandez认为,印尼政府应该取消给牛头的费用。Irene毫不讳言,这是不折不扣的人口贩卖。可是符永辉却认为自由市场是你情我愿的,它决定了聘请家庭女工的高昂成本,以及女工们只能领取低廉的薪水。他说:“一般上你要到一个国家,你要付出代价,马来西亚是能够付出这样的薪水,那么你适合,你就过来,不要说马来西亚雇主剥削他们。因为马来西亚雇主没有决定薪金的权力。”
Irene Fernandez说:“At that time,the human resource minister at that time, he said, let the market forces decides,that was to coat him,now three years later,what we see now, is a failure of that MOU. Because the market forces decided against the domestic worker, it became pro recruiting agent, pro employer.”
Irene认为,印尼政府有必要对印尼中介的收费进行严厉的管制,也建议马印双方政府必须严正看待中介成本过高的问题。她说:“If we talking about the placement fee, I think both government must sit down and discuss this.Because the agencies are getting high profits from domestic worker and the domestic worker get the least in the whole process, while the employer are faced with high placement fees.”
Irene说,中介时常乘机将各种各样的费用,转嫁到家庭女工身上。她透露:“Then the whole training has to be monitored,they say they go to compulsory training, but employees here are not sure what the training is all about.”
她认为,比起菲律宾政府,印尼政府需要改进的地方还很多。她说:“I think Philipine government is clear of what they want to achieve.They have a very clear labour export policy,the highest income earner for the country, in remittences, and therefore they must manage it effectively and well.”
“And within that they have built the system of proper recruitment prosedure, proper training by agencies, monitored by the government, that they are establish labour attaches, they have establish legal fund, for the domestic worker when she is in trouble.”
“Indonesia government has been more weak,it has not handle rights base approach, it has not centre the domestic worker as the bases for the MOU, I think it has centre the recruiting agents.”
例如在香港的印尼家庭女工大约有12万人,月薪大约1千令吉,在台湾的印尼女工也有10万人左右,月薪则高达1500令吉。反观在我国的印尼家庭女工,月薪只介于500令吉至600令吉,更无法享有周休,年假等福利。大马律师公會“法律改革与特別领域委员会”主席Dato Ramachelvan说,香港雇主和家庭女工之间的合约,条件确实比我国的好。
他说:“I will give you an example,I have been going through the contract in Hong Kong.Hong Kong they are not only entitled to one day off, all public holidays they are entitled, and they are entitled for annual leave on top pf that,15 days a year.”
妇女力量组织总裁Irene Fernandez认为,让家庭女工结社其实对雇主有利。她说:“When they come, they organize,they share,they grow.why are we stopping them from growth?And its good for employers.”
“I will like you to go to see the experience of Hong Kong.They have their own association, they all come out on Sunday and they share the letters,share their work experience and they are very happy,even bring the children with them.”
芙南德斯是2006年另类诺贝尔和平奖得主,她说:“That’s the happiness,that’s the joy,that’s what we must go for, to make the worker here joyfull.”
可是,人力资源部长Datuk Subramaniam却不赞同家庭女工成立工会。他说:“
Domestic worker are quite different,nearly 100% are foreign,any attempt to unionize them is something that we will face problem.“
Dato Ramachelvan认为,家庭女工目前还缺乏成立工会的条件。他说:“Unionization,we have no serious objection, but the reality of them being able to organize will be an issue.”

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Beware of TNB bill

Another FW email...

Do you compare the Meter reading on section 'DAHULU' (Red circle) With previous month?
In this case, the April bill on DAHULU section is 29128, SEMASA is 29380. After paid the bill, the problem come.... The May bill come, The DAHULU section by right should show 29380. BUT NOW, it still show 29128 same per last month.

If we don't compare with last month, frankly, I had HAPPILY paid for The bill and TNB had HAPPILY got the extra RM72 from me. At last, all The TNB shareholder got smart dividend from our hard earn money.

Due to this bad service....I plan to change service provider. Opps...there is no alternate service provider. The alternate is buy Your own generator, use candle...I guess no one will go for the Alternative service provider....

So... Please check your bill and compare it month by month. Our PM Always try very hard and tell us we have to very SMART SPENDING & MUST compare....... His motive is very good. Cause he knew that Something will happen and lot Giant company might use a VERY SMART Way to COLLECT Money from general public. Thanks to our great PM......I really compare the price always.....and notice the Brilliant idea from TNB. I am not sure it is mistake? But I don't Think is human error...

Now, better part is, this is computer error. If you don't discover This, then you pay for the EXTRA (this case, we got to pay extra RM72.80). If you notice the problem....easy, just refund to you, BUT Do you know how time consuming and trouble to get the refund? Why Their mistake is our cost? Why there is no compensation on their Mistake?

The BEST part, how many people know they are actually, happily OVER PAID?

When TNB officially want to increase the unit price....everybody Jumping and compliant. How they going to get extra and no people Complaint? This is an art....

This is the evolution of TNB billing system.....let the computer System do the mistake....and the mistake MUST FAVOURABLE to the Company.

Come....we should proudly said : Malaysia Boleh, Cause we really BOLEH!!


Funny FW email.. but it is true

An Indian, a Chinese and a Malay were in a terrible car accident. They were all brought to the same emergency room, but all of them died before they arrived. Just as they were about to put the toe tag on the Chinese, he stirred and opened his eyes. Astonished, the doctors and nurses present, asked him what happened.

"Well," said the Chinese, "I remember the crash, and then there was a beautiful light, and then the Indian and the Malay and I were standing at the gates of heaven. An Angel approached us and said that we were too young to die, and that for a donation of RM 500, we could return to earth. So, of course I pulled out my wallet and gave him the RM 500 and the next thing I knew I was back here."

"That's amazing!" said one of the doctors. "But what happened to the other two?""Last I saw them" replied the Chinese, "the Indian was bargaining over the price, and the Malay was waiting for the government to pay for his."

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

RON 95

Have you tried RON 95? I pumped RON 95 yesterday Hari Merdeka. Aiyuh, regret that I only pumped RM20 ringgit... Coz yesterday night I read the star news online saying that RON 95 price will be increased to RM1.80 start from today..

I start to think that all these were the gov's trick. When they introducing RON 95, they said it will be cheaper than RON 97 at that time... Now, you see when coming to the day, they increase the price again!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

See how the dog bites its own bone

The MCA Kang Kung was burned recently after Ong announcing the sack of Chua. The reason is really funny. How come only 21 months later the sex scandal issue became the main reason to sack Chua? lol... Lets take a sit and see how the dog bites its own bone...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Kampung Buah Pala, Who are the losers?

Picture Source: Star Paper

Today Star news saying that the bulldozers are ready to demolish the houses soon. While the FRU also come and standby by there. Most of the villagers have rejected the double-storey house proposal. Only 5 of them have agreed to move out.

This is the best offer I had seen. The double storey house in Penang is worth from RM400k-RM500k. Especially, the Buah Pala is located in the center of Penang. Most of Penangite work for life also will never able to buy a double storey house.

The compensation will never be so good if no state government involvement in it. My father's good friend's house had also been demolished by a developer in Paya Terubong a few months ago. His house was a double storey house with 2000-3000 sf. He has run back and forth seeking for politicians' help. No one is willing to help. What he got for the compensation? Only RM20k!

Ironically, most villagers have rejected the double storey house and continue to ask for more. Do they think that they are at the winner side?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Are your food container safe?

I recently come across some food container grading. I think it is good to share it here :)
Simply take a container from your kitchen, look at the bottom of the container and check for the grade. Normally, it is located at the bottom with a number (grade) in a triangle.

The grading can tell us what it makes from and whether it is safe or not.

Grade 1 Polyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE) . Normally we can see this in mineral water bottle. It can be used one time only, shouldn't reuse it because the chemical will be unstable when reusing it.
Grade 2 High-density polyethylene (HDPE) . More rigid and harder than LDPE. This is the best plastic that suitable for food storage.
Grade 4 Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) . Good resistance to most chemicals.
Grade 5 Polypropylene (PP). Good resistance to most chemicals.

Basically, if your food container is grade 2, 4 and 5, you are safe. other grade like 1 (only one time use), 3, 6 and 7 are not recommended to store food in kitchen.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Adsense appeal failed

Google has just told me that my appeal was failed
hmm... looks like I have to find other advertisers... any suggestions??


This message confirms that we've received your appeal submission.

We'll get to your appeal as soon as we can, though due to the high
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If you've previously submitted an appeal for this account, you might not
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If you have any questions or concerns about
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Thanks for your patience and understanding.


The Google AdSense Team

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Google AdSense Account Disabled

Hello xxx,
While going through our records recently, we found that your
AdSenseaccount has posed a significant risk to our AdWords advertisers.
Sincekeeping your account in our publisher network may financially damageour
advertisers in the future, we've decided to disable your account.
understand that we consider this a necessary step to protect theinterests of
both our advertisers and our other AdSense publishers. Werealize the
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Google AdSense
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incoming email. Please do not reply to this message.

I recently got my adsense account disabled, why? I totally lost.. I never click my ads and yet my account was disabled! Luckily, I don't have much money in my account, or else I will mad! May be adsense is not a good way to make money as the Google will never justify the reasons they disable your account. You can appeal, but i think the chances to restore your account is very small. Once your appeal is unsuccessful, you can just forget about google and find other advertisers!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Home Make Roti Capati

I have made some roti capati just now.. hehe does it look tasty?
I put 2 cups of flour, water, salt, milk powder, baking powder and oil together and made the dough. Let it sit for 2 hours and use a stick to roll it into round shape, then fried it :)

Pas win Manek Urai with 65 votes majority

The night news said the pakatan has won the manek urai with 65 votes! Probably it will be recount soon. Why only 65 votes? Were the series of so call "Good News Announcement" by Najid has gained back the confidence from people?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Feng Shui For Apartment and Condo

Recently my friend and I are looking for an apartment. After reading some feng shui tips, i think it is great to share them here :)

1. Where are the sitting and facing direction for your apartment?

What to look for in the Sitting or Yin direction? Here are some tips:
-Utility or wash rooms
-Plumbing fixtures.
-Solid baseline on the floor plan.
-Structural elements such as the foundational supports for the floor, walls and heavy

Some of the general characteristics of the Facing or Yang direction are:
-Larger, brighter rooms and areas.
-The view is more beautiful.
-There is an address number on outside of building.
-The area is used for reception and has heavy traffic.
-Lots of natural light from windows.

2. After deciding the sitting and facing directions, now check whether the house is suitable for you or not.

There are many ways to check it, but most of the people use ming gua (命卦). There is a formula to check this.

First, check your chinese born year.

See the above table, if you were born on 1975, Feb 10. Your Chinese born year is 1974. But if were born on 1975, Feb 11. Your Chinese born year is 1975.

Use 100 to minus last 2 digits of the year, then mod the number with 9.
For example: 1974 ((100-74) mod 9) = 8

Use last 2 digits of the year minus 4, then mod the number with 9.
For example 1979 ((79-4) mod 9) = 3
3. Find out your number and the directions that match you.
1北宫:坎(水) - Water
2西南宫:坤(土) - Earth
3东宫:震(木) - Wood
4东南宫:巽(木) - Wood
5中宫:男坤女艮 - Male: Earth ; Female: Wood
6西北宫:乾(金) - Metal
7西宫:兑(金) - Metal
8东北宫:艮(土) - Wood
9南宫:离(火) - Fire
Number 3, 4, 1, 9 is East Life.
Good apartment directions for east life people are:
-sitting east, facing west
- sitting south east, facing north west
-sitting north, facing south
-sitting south, facing north
Number 6, 2, 5, 7, 8 is West Life
Good apartment directions for west life people are:
-sitting north west, facing south east
- sitting south west, facing north east
-sitting west, facing east
-sitting north east, facing south west

Picture 1: the sunlight comes from the balcony and the living room's windows. Obviously, the balcony and living room side is facing.

Picture 2: The house is sitting at 艮 (8 or female:5), and facing 坤 (2 or male:5), sitting North East and Facing South West. This is a West Life House witch is suitables for West Life people.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wild Olive Seed

My father gave me this so-call wild olive seed few days ago... Look at the pic, it is so huge comparing to normal olive that sold in supermarket. It tastes bitter but sweet after swallowing it..

Thursday, July 9, 2009

How to Make Yogurt at Home

This afternoon, I made a cup of yogurt from the Marigold yogurt. To made yogurt, you need some pure yogurt that buy from grocery store, milk powder or fresh milk, hot water, a cup with cover and spoon. Make sure the cup and spoon are clean. you can use hot water to rinse them.

It is very easy, just put some milk powder (I put 3 big spoons) into a cup and some hot water, stir it until the milk powder dissolved. Alternatively, you can use fresh milk, just cook with low heat and keep stirring it until you see some bubbles coming up, then put it into a cup and close the cover.

Let it sit for 2-3 hours until you don't feel hot when you hold the cup ~50 C. Then take out the pure yogurt you bought and put 1 and a half spoon pure yogurt into the milk and stir it. After that, close the cover, and put it at warm place. For me, I put it beside my laptop, so that the heat come out from my laptop will keep it warm.

Now, you just need to wait for 8-10 hours and then enjoy your yogurt. You can mix the yogurt with different fruits you like!

Flooding in Penang

I don't know what black luck I have, I parked my car nearby my friend's apartment. Then I have all water came into my car after that. sob sob sob...
I cleaned my car for 3 hours yesterday, and I feel back pain this morning :/
Now, I am putting my car under the sun, and hopefully the seats will dry up soon...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Malaysia Government-Run Shelters - Nude Men Locked in the Cage Like Animals

The incident happens in Selangor, Malaysia. About 30 men bare the body, tied by the chains, locked in a cage. The environment surrounded by urine smell. The camp has about 200 people, including men, women and children. Most of these people are mentally ill and homeless.
Half of the men were locked in the cages and left naked. They are skinny and fragile.They don't even have the most basic things like bed and toilet.As for those outside the cage, they have beds to sleep, but there are no sheets or pillows. Although the treatment of those people better than the cage, they are still chained at the beds.
This incident reveals the black side of Malaysia government run shelter. It not only violates the human right and also a shame for Malaysian.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Host Monster

I recently sign up an account in host monster. It turn out their service is not as good as described in most of the reviews. I doubt they just pay for the bloggers to write good review for their hosting. It is extremely slow and excepted when loading the wordpress web site. I encountered server time out twice in 2 weeks when working on my web site. It web site took too long to respond. Then I checked the server status, it just said:

Server Load:
2009-05-18 20:49:15: Box under heavy load -- you may experience degraded system performance Services:
2009-05-18 20:49:15: Our technician is currently investigating a server problem. The source of this problem is unknown at this time. The duration of assessing this is approximately 15 to 45 minutes.
For more information you may search the knowledgebase at http://HELPDESK.HOSTMONSTER.COM for the words 'Investigating Performance'

I remembered I chat with the technician the day before, I asked him why their server so slow, he answered the share server is like that, depends on geographical location and server load. if they find out anyone who makes the server overloaded, the person will be banned!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lucky's teeth broken

Yesterday after the dinner, I was wearing glove and Lucky came and play with me. She played very rough and attacked my glove fiercely. She pull and shake her head when bitting my glove... Suddenly, I saw my glove got blood spot... I look at her, she seems like nothing happens still wanna attacked my glove.. later I saw a teeth on the ground :(

Monday, March 9, 2009

Suiwah or Sunshine supermarket is cheater

This is not the first time. Almost everytime, this sunshine supermarket is cheating the consumers by advertising some cheap products on the newspaper... and you know what? When we went there, they always claimed that the discounted products were sold off!! So little products, better don't put it on newspaper mah. Attracting people like this, only will ruin its own reputation. We should boycott it!!

My Lucky

I got Lucky 2 weeks ago when I was in KL. She jumped so high when the first time we saw her. We decided to take her home after that... she was shaking body when we put her in the car, i think she was very nervous, lol..

Lucky is pure mini pinscher breed that according to some articles, this breed originated in Germany. It is small terrier, fearless, brave, curious and energetic. It is categoried in the toy breed and also reffered as king of the toys. People believed that this breed was derived from crossing Dachshund and Italian Greyhund and used to stay in the barn to hunt the rats and vermins.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


We went to the salsa restaurant at continental hotel this Sunday... to celebrate my friend's birthday... The food looks nice and relatively cheap, but taste just okay...

Fish, a little salty...

BBQ Lamb Ribs, got lamb smell d...

Cake, ice cream & fruits... keke, do you see the fruits?

The Coffee Walnut Cake

ooo... I forgot to take photo for the cake :p

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

my camera back..

here is my plant almost dead 2 months ago.. after watering it everyday, it is growing back..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

last night of CNY

keke... these sushi were made by bread, mayonnaise, seaweed, sausage, crab stick, shrimp, mushroom, carrot and cucumber :P

Fried shrimp, mushroom and cucumber.. look nice d :)

We went to sungai batu beach to see moon eclipse after dinner. There is a long beach there, and clean.. but we didn't see the eclipse until we back..

I took this pic at my home. see, the moon big and shine like sun... where got eclipse?

Last night of CNY liao.. tomorrow need to take down these lanterns..

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hiding 2 pigeons in pant, the guy arrested at melbourne airport...


I am not a facebook fans, and I definitely don't know why people like facebook. I got invited to facebook few years ago. That time I really thought no one, at least those who are conscious and alert about their own privacy will sign up facebook and put their big head pic on the net.

Recently, I met up my schoolmates who keep talking about the facebook and some games (don't know what games) in facebook. So, I signed up a facebook account later (of course my friends don't know that is me, ha), since i am curious and also like playing game..

But I am very disappointed after signing up the account. This well known web site takes very very long time or forever to load a single page, and more longer time to load the game stuffs... some more I didn't see any interesting games..just cheap cheap one... hack!

I think, there must be a lot people sign up with other people name and pretand to be another person.. doing nasty stuffs..

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

PR loss Perak

The Pakatan Rayak (PR) loss Perak as 3 ADUNs jumped to BN today. There is rumor saying more ADUN will join BN...
Sigh, all these politicians from BN, DAP, PKR... also same same... jump here and there just because of $$$. At the end, we people are the losser...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

hodo-hodo zoku or the so so folks

haha... i saw this word in one of the article, describing the young Japanese that fears of being a slave to the office. They prefer slow career, don't want to be promoted or having too much responsibilities at work. I think we no need to be the best, but we need to be happy..

Motorola loses $3.6B in 4th quarter of 2008

The CFO is leaving.. will there be most cost cutting or head count reduction?

Jade Emperor? "Tian Kong" / "TI Kong"

The 8th day of CNY 2009 night, a friend and I went to see how Hokkien people pray to Tian Kong. We went out by motor bike, hehe, congested mah.. Outside the Jade Emperor Temple (I don't know correct or not, but I found this name in internet) is full of beggers, (real and fake begger ha..) I think got a few hundreds there. Even knowing most of them are fake one, people still give money or ang pau to these beggers because they believe this is virtuous. Later, we also went to Chow jetty, the polices already blocked some roads, luckily we went by motorbike, keke.. got MC there wor, singing, ask people to donate and light the lotus candle. One candle is RM10.00, We saw a lot of people putting their meat offering on the tables, got 13 grill pigs and others like fruits, kuih, wine, liquor, duck, ckicken.. A number of people also busy to snap photo.. too bad lar, my photos taken by the nokia phone not so nice, if not I'll upload some here... At the end of chow jetty, there are some people sitting, standing and viewing the scene.. quite beautiful d..

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Penang Air Itam Curry Mee

These two old ladies have been selling curry mee on the roadside for more than 40 years. They sits on the creepie while selling the mee. My mum told me that she used to bought curry mee from them since she was young... and here, people like to squat around the stall while eating the curry mee.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

No more fuel rebates after March

Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister has confirmed there will be no more fuel rebate after March 2009 as the petrol price has been fallen greatly recently.

Now the crude is at USD41 a barrel compared with USD80/USD90 in 2007. That time our petrol price is at RM1.92 per liter. I wonder if the crude price still around USD40/ USD50, does it means our petrol price would fall to RM0.86 per liter in April or not.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Panasonic Malaysia - close plant

Panasonic is the latest among other electronics companies in Malaysia to close down two of their plants in Malacca and Selangor with around 490 job cuts. The EE sector in Penang may be facing the highest risk of unemployment increases. According to the Malaysian Employers Federation, 10,000 jobs had been lost in Malaysia

life back

My plant, that day I thought it was dead due to drying out. I was so regret that I put it in a small pot which doesn't hold enough water for the plant and I was away from home for few days. Anyway, I still keep watering it everyday.. hehe.. this morning I found that the drying plant glows the leave back :)

funny ads / spam

I came across this ads online, the drawing is so cute and funny... it made me slap my forehead when seeing not ipod keyword! ha, no wonder people can make $$ in ebay...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Lim Guan Eng CNY open house

On the 1st day of CNY 2009, my family and I went to Lim Guan Eng CNY open house at Macalister Road. I think we arrived around 10.15am. Surprisingly, a lot of people already there. After we went in, we followed the queue and shaked hand with Lim Guan Eng, though I am not the his fans. Ehm, my mision here is to have a lunch, since my mum didn't cook... Actually, the food also so so, so many people and have to wait for a long queue... I think the only person that very happy there is my niece. She likes to see the lion dance (which she called the lion as mao mao) and want to touch the Chai Sheng Ye (Money God)...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Base lending rate

After bank negara Malaysia announced 75 basis point deduction on OPR, which is 2.50. Cimb and Maybank announced they will reduce the BLR from 6.50 to 5.95 from February 3, 2009 onwards.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Olympus FE 270 update

In general, the camera is not good. The picture color is always yellowish, which looks so fake. The battery also easy drain out. The lense and shutter have problem after 5 months buying it. I just send it back to the shop, and have to wait for 1-2 months repairing it. sigh... next time I think I won't buy Olympus camera anymore.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Intel shedding up to 6,000 jobs

Intel is closing five plants in the US and Asia, with the loss of between 5,000 and 6,000 jobs, as it responds to falling computer sales.
The facilities to close are its factory in Santa Clara, California - its last in Silicon Valley - and sister sites in Oregon, Malaysia and the Philippines.

more news:

It looks like we are having more difficult time ahead. More and more layoff news will be expected.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


the subset of good = faker = the worst

gloomy blue

some pics were taken when looking for a house.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


sigh, my fishes and plant died after my visit to my fren's hometown.. can't rely on anyone anymore.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

whoever say wanna change the world is asshole

all you need is to close your eyes...
the wind will be whispering on your ears
inviting the yellowish leave dancing in the air elegantly
they never regret of it..

what to do?
the world is a mess, real mess
and we are part the the mess..

the desire to be slave
some people said god created us,
but the truth is we created the gods

the ant laugh and ask the snail..
why you carry such stupid shell on your back and walk like an old man?

Who is in the dream?
I see butterfly in my dream
the butterfly says she sees me in her dream


haha... just now 2 indians came and stole our sugarcanes that planted in front of my house, when my mum came out, they already took the sugarcanes and ran away...

shake legs

It has been 3 months.. even now life is a little bit boring, but I never regret of the decision. So, what is the next? I am not sure too.. thing seems like is not as easy as I initially thought. Too much dependancies and trivia.. sigh.. and now the economy is still swinging which worried me.. it might take 2/3 years to recover. what to do during this time? buying more share? go back to school? ... dev a web site to cheat $$? show me the light.. i remember one of my admired authors say one must know 3 things in one life ie. philosophy, literature and history.. philosophy is the stars at night which leads you to the destination. literature is the reflection on the pond, the things presented thru a book is the reflection, you don see the real thing, but you will roughly know the shape.