Sunday, June 8, 2008

Robbing the people

I doubt the gov has ever used their mind before increasing the petrol price. They just fooling people by comparing petrol price with non oil producer countries. Yea, oil price is hiking, but Malaysia is also producing oil which should benefit rom the high price...Tell the people, where the money goes? now, oil price up, electricity price up, roti canai also up, bla bla bla... up up up...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Abandoned egg

2 weeks ago, I took this pic when seeing the bird mother hatching eggs on the nest. It was just on a tree behind my house. Unfortunately, a week after that mum told me the mother bird left and never back because the kids played around the tree. since then, I took the egg and trying to hatch it myself by putting on a bulb. Anyhow now, I have a mix feelings on it. I was asking myself, should I hatch it or just left as it is. The more I think, the more I feel that I shouldn't do this. The nature has its own way to create or eliminate life, which human shouldn't interfere it.