Saturday, May 10, 2008

Windows Vista

Sigh... windows sucks...

After getting my new HP tx2132au tablet PC, the windows vista really give me some troubles when come to installing, customising and configurating my own laptop. Plus, I cannot install a lot of my pirated softwares on it. They just not compatible with Vista. So, I have to spend time again to find and test on other softwares.

That day, my friend and I were trying to call each other using net meeting. Guess what, the microsoft has taken out the net meeting features in window vista. Replacing net meeting with new one is ok, but the problem is net meeting is neither communicate with windows meeting space nor microsoft office live meeting. huh... surprise uh!

"NetMeeting is no longer included with Windows Vista , and has been replaced by Windows Meeting Space and Microsoft Office Live Meeting" -- Wikipedia

well, people may just shrug and say just uninstall it and reinstall another OS, what is the big deal? hmm.. it is a big deal if I wanna have the touch screen features on my laptop :/