长夜慢慢 辗转难眠
夜雨凄凄 往事如烟
寒风习习 心如寒玉
苦撑多年 未能如意
扪心自问 不甘屈身
痛思苦悟 毅然抽身
English Version from Google.. ha
No night time sleep
Qi Qi back on a rainy night such as tobacco
If the cold wind blowing gently heart Han-yu
Not trying to turn the struggling years of wishful
Unwilling to ask incline
Tongsikuwu decided to take time off
Qi Qi back on a rainy night such as tobacco
If the cold wind blowing gently heart Han-yu
Not trying to turn the struggling years of wishful
Unwilling to ask incline
Tongsikuwu decided to take time off
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