Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Jade Emperor? "Tian Kong" / "TI Kong"

The 8th day of CNY 2009 night, a friend and I went to see how Hokkien people pray to Tian Kong. We went out by motor bike, hehe, congested mah.. Outside the Jade Emperor Temple (I don't know correct or not, but I found this name in internet) is full of beggers, (real and fake begger ha..) I think got a few hundreds there. Even knowing most of them are fake one, people still give money or ang pau to these beggers because they believe this is virtuous. Later, we also went to Chow jetty, the polices already blocked some roads, luckily we went by motorbike, keke.. got MC there wor, singing, ask people to donate and light the lotus candle. One candle is RM10.00, We saw a lot of people putting their meat offering on the tables, got 13 grill pigs and others like fruits, kuih, wine, liquor, duck, ckicken.. A number of people also busy to snap photo.. too bad lar, my photos taken by the nokia phone not so nice, if not I'll upload some here... At the end of chow jetty, there are some people sitting, standing and viewing the scene.. quite beautiful d..